Upper Endoscopy
An upper endoscopy or EGD is a very safe procedure that gives your doctor information that other tests may not be able to provide. The test involves swallowing a small lighted instrument; it allows seeing the inside of the esophagus, the stomach, and the duodenum.
Indications for Upper Endoscopy:
- persistent nausea and vomiting
- upper abdominal pain
- heartburn, or acid reflux symptoms
- acid or burning sensation the throat or chest
- gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding (vomiting blood or blood found in the stool)
- difficulty swallowing
- abnormal or unclear findings on an x-ray
- removal of a foreign body
- for follow-up on previously found polyps (growths), tumors, or ulcers
- to stretch or dilate narrowed areas
If the doctor sees a suspicious area, he can pass an instrument through the endoscope and take a small piece of tissue, a "biopsy". Biopsies are taken for many reasons and do not necessarily imply cancer. Other instruments can also be passed through the endoscope without causing discomfort, like a small brush to wipe cells from suspicious areas. When polyps are found a wire loop (snare) to remove polyps can also be done.