William E. Stevens, M.D.
Undergraduate: 1979-1983 Degree:B.S. in Microbiology Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas
Medical School: 1983-1987 Degree:Doctor of Medicine University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Dallas, Texas
Internship / Residency: 1987-1990 Department of Internal Medicine Washington University School of Medicine, Barnes Hospital St. Louis, Missouri
Chief Residency: 1989-1990 Department of Internal Medicine Washington University School of Medicine, John Cochran V.A. Medical Center St. Louis, Missouri
Fellowship: 1991-1993 Gastroenterology and Hepatology University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Dallas, Texas
1993-1994 Advanced Therapeutic and Biliary Endoscopy University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Dallas, Texas
EMPLOYMENT 1994 - present Digestive Disease Associates of Dallas, P.A. Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas Dallas, Texas
APPOINTMENTS Internal Medicine Clinical Faculty Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas Gastroenterology Clinical Faculty University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Peer Review Board Member American College of Physicians & Medicine Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas
1998 - present Presbyterian Hospital Executive Medical Board
1999 - 2000 Internal Medicine / Critical Care Process Improvement Committee Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas
1998 - 2001 CERTIFICATION and LICENSURE American Board of Internal Medicine - Internal Medicine
1990, Re-certification 2000 American Board of Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology
1993, Re-certification 2000
Advanced Cardiac Life Support, 2005
State of Texas Medical License State of Missouri Medical License
HONORS Undergraduate: Alpha Epsilon Delta, Pre-medical Honor Society, 1981 Graduated Magnum Cum Laude, 1983
Medical School: Scholastic Honors in Biochemistry - 1983; and Psychiatry - 1986 Southwestern Medical Foundation Scholar, 1984 and 1985 Alpha Omega Alpha, Medical Honor Society, 1986
Private Practice: Presbyterian Hospital House Staff Annual Teaching Award, 1999-2000 D Magazine Best Doctors in Dallas, 2001 - present
PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS American Medical Association Texas Medical Association Dallas County Medical Society American College of Gastroenterology American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Texas Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Crohn's and Colitis Foundation
PUBLICATIONS Stevens W.Vascular Diseases of the Liver.In Feldman, M., Friedman, L., and Brandt, L. (Eds):Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease 8th Edition.Philadelphia, Elsevier.(In Press).
Stevens W., Harford W., Lee E.Obstructive jaundice due to multiple hepatic peribiliary cysts.(Review).Am. J. Gastroenterol.91(1):155-7, 1996 Jan.