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Upper Endoscopy
Preparation for Upper Endoscopy
Preparation for Colonoscopy
Sedation & Monitoring
After Procedure Care
Virtual Colonoscopy

Print the following documents and follow the instructions:

Endoscopy Checklist
Common Instructions to all Preps

Day before procedure:

  • Start a clear liquid diet when you wake up. No milk or solid foods allowed 24 hours prior to the procedure.
  • YOU MAY HAVE: All juices EXCEPT for Tomato Juice, V-8 Juice or 0ranqe Juice, JeIIo, Popsicles, Bouillon, Beef or Chicken Broth, Soft drinks (including dark sodas, coffee and tea. (Non dairy creamer only)
  • Take a bottle of Magnesium Citrate (GREEN BOTTLE ONLY) with four (4) Dulcolax Tablets at 5:00 pm.
  • Drink plenty of fluids after completing the first dose
  • After you complete your preparation, you may have clear liquids only until midnight. NOTHING TO EAT OR DRINK AFTER MIDNIGHT!
  • Before bedtime: Take a Fleet Enemas, hold for 3-5 minutes.

Day of the procedure:

  • No liquids after midnight, EXCEPT a sip to take medications.
  • Repeat the Fleet Enema 30 to 45 minutes before you leave for your appointment.
  • Arrive for colonoscopy 30 to 60 minutes before your scheduled time.
  • Double check your Endoscopy Checklist

© 2024 Dallas Endoscopy Center, LLC. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: Nothing found at this website should be construed as medical advice or treatment recommendations. For any symptoms you may have, you should see your family physician, gastroenterologist or colorectal surgeon.zz